Create Your Silver Lining
Every cloud has a silver lining…. Sometimes a common expression becomes so ingrained in our language that we casually toss it into conversation without fully understanding the depth of its meaning....
View ArticleWho Are You Comparing Yourself To?
COMPARE – To examine the character or qualities of 2 or more things, in order to discover the similarities or differences When I first began crossfit I noticed that I constantly compared myself to the...
View ArticleThe Courage to be Authentic
Two weeks ago my family and I sat in our living room together and watched the ESPY awards, which honors excellence in sports. The highlight of the evening for me was when Robin Roberts received the...
View ArticleTo Multi-Task Or Not?
For much of my adult life I have been a master multi-tasker! I have perfected the art of doing more than one thing at a time…..or at least I thought I had. There never seems to be enough hours in the...
View ArticleLiving a Yo-Yo Lifestyle
I have an awesome life! There have been ups and downs, but all in all I have no regrets, because I couldn’t be where I am today without living through the life I’ve lived….. ….Except for this one part...
View ArticleTake Nothing for Granted!
I used to be a not right now, in a minute, soon, maybe later, kind of mom. Being a mom is hard work. Laundry, bills, grocery shopping, extra curricular activities, cleaning, cooking…. Blah, blah,...
View ArticleThe Gift of Time
My aunt Barb and I have an extraordinary relationship. She was just 16 years old when I was born, but she immediately began to cultivate our bond. As a toddler, she would take me to the park, and...
View ArticleA Conversation With My Soul
Sometimes I find it so challenging to just sit and write. What will I write about? Why will I write? Who will I write for? Driven by accomplishments, validated by the outcome, defined by my results...
View ArticleLove Letter to My Dad
Dear Dad, I’m sitting down to write you a love letter. I’m sure that sounds strange, but let me explain. LOVE is my word for this year, it’s the word that will give my life focus and direction for...
View ArticleHow I Survived My Son’s Freshman Year in College
And just like that…. 9 months have come and gone – and it’s time to move my B out of his freshman dorm. I wish you could see me now, typing and shaking my head in total disbelief! I just don’t know...
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